Andy Murray invests in new tennis app to get the nation playing

Andy Murray

A new app launching just before Wimbledon and backed by Wimbledon Champion and Britain’s most successful tennis player, Andy Murray, plans to make tennis accessible and affordable for everyone.

Deuce aims to welcome people in, make it easy for them to play and find somewhere they feel at home within the sport.

Through the Deuce app players of all ages and abilities will be matched with fun coach-led sessions and courts at clubs or parks near them.

The UK tech start up promises to remove the barriers such as cost, access to courts, finding friendly clubs, people to play with and confidence that so often prevent people from stepping on court.

Murray, who already has over 30 start-ups within his expanding business investment portfolio, has made no secret of his passion to grow the game in this country, but this is the first time he has financially backed a tennis specific business.

He said: “There are lots of schemes out there for encouraging participation but this is the first time I’ve backed something like this. The team behind Deuce are really impressive and they have a working knowledge of tennis and tennis clubs in this country so they really understand the issues and the potential.”

“Tennis is such a great sport with so many benefits – physical, mental and social, but we simply don’t have enough people playing in this country. We need to fill empty courts with people playing more often and Deuce uses today’s technology to do this in a simple, welcoming and affordable way.”

Deuce is the brainchild of 45 year old Matt Willcocks, former Tennis Director at Gosling Sports Park, the largest tennis facility in the country.

He said: “Nowadays everything can be done on the move from your smartphone – whether it’s booking a taxi, takeaway or holiday it’s never been so easy and there’s no reason why playing tennis shouldn’t be the same.

“Tennis is a fantastic sport, we have the courts, we have the coaches and we know that there are millions of people that are not members of clubs but that want to play more tennis. Using today’s technology Deuce will provide its users with accessible, great value coaching, courts and playing opportunities at the tap of a button. Think AirBnB for tennis with the simplicity of Uber!”

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