International Trade Secretary launches FinTech investment drive

Dr Liam Fox

International Trade Secretary Dr Liam Fox MP launches a new FinTech investment drive, bringing together academics, industry experts and businesses.

International Trade Secretary Dr Liam Fox MP today launches a new drive to attract investment into the UK’s booming financial technology (FinTech) sector. Dr Fox’s Department for International Trade (DIT) will prioritise investment into FinTech, set up a UK FinTech steering board and connect companies with global investors.

The new drive comes during London Tech Week. It follows the Prime Minister’s announcement on Wednesday (13 June) that more than 1,600 new jobs will be created and £2.3 billion of private investment into the broader technology sector has been secured, showcasing the UK as the best country in the world to run a tech company.

Launching the new FinTech investment drive, International Trade Secretary Dr Liam Fox MP said: “The UK is a world leader in the FinTech sector, thanks to our highly-skilled and creative workforce, fair regulatory system and ease of doing business.

“The sector has already attracted £1.8 billion worth of investment in 2017 – a 153% increase on the previous year and as an international economic department, DIT is putting technology and innovation at the heart of the UK’s global growth.”

Financial services and technology are two of the UK’s leading industries, with FinTech playing an increasingly important role in tasks ranging from complex financial transactions to helping consumers give money to charity more easily.

DIT’s FinTech steering board brings together academics, industry experts, government and regulators to drive investment into the sector, which is at the forefront of the UK’s global technology and innovation proposition.

It will be chaired by the City of London’s Lord Mayor, Charles Bowman, and firms including Zopa, Neyber, EY, Innovate Finance and Santander will sit alongside government, regulators and academics from MIT and Oxford University.

Charles Bowman, Lord Mayor of the City of London and chair of DIT’s FinTech board, added: “FinTech is something that I am hugely passionate about, with the UK home to around 1,600 FinTech companies, and more than 50,000 related jobs in the Square Mile alone.

“I look forward to exploring how we can further develop our world-leading FinTech offer and to helping shape the UK’s future FinTech trade and investment strategy.”

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